Ney Calazans - Teaching Activities - Atividades de Ensino


Obs: Most of the information in and below this page is, for obvious reasons, in Portuguese!

Undergraduate Courses - Cursos de Graduação

Current - Atuais:


Previous - Anteriores (Possibly one or more broken links - Um ou mais links possivelmente inoperantes):

Graduate Courses - Cursos de Pós-Graduação

Current - Atuais:

Previous - Anteriores (Possibly one or more broken links - Um ou mais links possivelmente inoperantes):

All pages are always under construction!

This page was last updated on September, 12th, 2017.

If you find problems in this page, please send an e-mail to (ney dot calazans at pucrs dot br).

We will fix it in the shortest possible delay. Thanks for your help!