FERNANDES, L. G.; SOARES, M.; SERRA, G.; CASTRO, M.; THIELO, M.; SA, P.; SANTOS, T.; ROCHA, M.; HERING, V.; PAULO, A.; MAMMANA, V. Simulation of Electron Beam inside Electrostatic Field Using Legendre Polynomials. In: SID IDRC - SID Information Display Research Conference, 2006, Kent, USA. Proceedings of the SID IDRC, 2006. p. 398-401.
FERNANDES, L. G.; KOLBERG, M.; BALDO, L.; VELHO, P.; CLAUDIO, D. Optimizing a Parallel Self-verified Method for Solving Linear Systems. In: PARA - Workshop on State-of-the-art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, 2006, Umeå, Sweden. Proceedings to appear in LNCS volume.
FERNANDES, L. G.; GIANNETTI, F.; TIMMERS, R.; NUNES, T.; RAEDER, M.; CASTRO, M. High Performance XSL-FO Rendering for Variable Data Printing. In: ACM SAC - ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Document Engineering Track, 2006, Dijon, France. Proceedings of the ACM SAC, 2006. v. 1. p. 811-817.
FERNANDES, L. G.; FERNANDES, P.; CLAUDIO, D.; KOLBERG, M.; VELHO, P.; BALDO, L.; WEBBER, T. Parallel Selfverified Method for Solving Linear Systems. In: VECPAR - International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Proceedings of the 7th VECPAR, 2006. p179-190.
FERNANDES, L. G.; BEZERRA, E.; OLIVEIRA, F.; RAEDER, M.; VELHO, P.; AMARAL, L. Probe Effect Mitigation in the Software Testing of Parallel Systems. In: IEEE LATW - IEEE Latin-American Test WorkShop, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceedings of the IEEE LATW, 2006. p. 153-158.
FERNANDES, L. G.; BALDO, L.; RAEDER, M.; CASTRO, M.; VELHO, P. A Parallel Version for the Propagation Algorithm. In: PaCT - International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, 2005, Kranoyarsk, Russia. Proceedings of the 8th PaCT (LNCS 3606), 2005. p. 403-412.
CAPES - PIB FERNANDES, L. G.; BALDO, L.; BRENNER, L.; SALES, A.; FERNANDES, P. Performance Models for Master/Slave Parallel Programs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, v. 128, n. 4, p. 101-121, 2005.
FERNANDES, L. G.; MANSSOUR, I.; FREITAS, C.; SERRA, G.; NUNES, T. High Performance Approach for Inner Structures Visualization in Medical Data. International Journal Of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Geneva, Switzerland, v. 22, n. 1, p. 23-33, 2005.
FERNANDES, L. G.; BALDO, L.; VELHO, P.; WEBBER, T.; ROISENBERG, P. Parallel PEPS Tool Performance Analysis Using Stochastic Automata Networks. In: Euro-Par - European Conference on Parallel Processing, 2004, Pisa, Italy. Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Par (LNCS 3149), 2004. p. 214-219.
FERNANDES, L. G.; BALDO, L.; BRENNER, L.; SALES, A.; FERNANDES, P. Performance Models for Master/Slave Parallel Programs. In: PASM - International Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling, 2004, London, United Kingdom. Proceedings of 1st PASM, 2004. p. 41-60.
FERNANDES, L. G.; FERNANDES, P.; SALES, A.; BRENNER, L. Performance Analysis Issues for Parallel Implementations of Propagation Algorithm. In: IEEE SBAC-PAD - IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2003, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Proceedings of the 15th SBAC-PAD, 2003. p. 183-190.
FERNANDES, L. G.; MAILLARD, N.; DENNEULIN, Y. Parallelizing a Dense Matching Region Growing Algorithm for an Image Interpolation Application. In: PDPTA - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Techniques and Applications, 2001, Las Vegas, USA. Proceedings of the 5th PDPTA, 2001. v. 1. p. 491-495.