Call for Tutorials and Posters
Please, click here for the tutorials of the WOSP'09 edition.
The goal of the tutorial and exhibition program of WOSP/SIPEW 2010 is to provide
independent instruction on topics related to performance engineering of software
and systems, including performance measurement, modeling, benchmark design, and
run-time performance management.
We are planning a tutorial session (each tutorial 90 min.) and a poster exhibition.
A submission may cover a wide scope of topics ranging from practical
techniques and guidelines over standards to theoretical work. A list of topics
is provided here.
Please note that no marketing or product specific tutorials will be accepted.
Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. Topics
of broad interest are preferred.
* Tutorial proposals (up to 2 pages in ACM format)
* Poster session papers (up to 4 pages in ACM format)
The proposals/papers should be submitted in PDF format via email to the
Tutorial and Exhibits Chair, Kai Sachs (email: [email protected] or webpage: http://www.dvs.tu-darmstadt.de/staff/ksachs/).
Proposers of accepted tutorials are given the opportunity to submit a
tutorial paper. The content of a tutorial paper *must* be on the
material covered by the tutorial and must not exceed 12 pages. The
required format for the submission is the ACM SIG Proceedings Style.
Submitted tutorial papers will be reviewed by the tutorial committee
prior to publication. The tutorial committee has the right to refuse
publication of tutorial papers if, for example, the technical quality of
the paper is insufficient or the content of the paper does not match the
content of the tutorial. Tutorial papers will be published in the
conference proceedings as part of the ACM International Proceedings
Series and will be disseminated through the ACM Digital Library.
The presented posters should be:
* brief and clearly organized;
* simple, with an obvious theme; and
* easy to read from 4 to 6 feet away.
Max. size: 24" wide x 36" tall
Poster & Tutorial Proposals Submission: |
July 21, 2009 |
Author Notification: |
September 3, 2009 |
Final Manuscript: |
October 5, 2009 |
Advanced Registration: |
December 31, 2009 |