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Defined in header <locale>

template< class charT >
class ctype;

Class ctype encapsulates character classification features. All stream input operations performed through std::basic_istream<charT> use the std::ctype<charT> of the locale imbued in the stream to identify whitespace characters for input tokenization. Stream output operations apply std::ctype<charT>::widen() to narrow-character arguments prior to output.

Two specializations are provided by the standard library

Defined in header <locale>
std::ctype<char> provides equivalents of the "C" locale classification. This specialization uses table lookup for character classification
std::ctype<wchar_t> provides wide character equivalents of the "C" locale classification


[edit] Member types

Member type Definition
char_type charT

[edit] Member objects

Member name Type
id (static) std::locale::id

[edit] Member functions

constructs a new ctype facet
(public member function)
destructs a ctype facet
(protected member function)
Polymorphic character classification functions
invokes do_is
(public member function)
invokes do_scan_is
(public member function)
invokes do_scan_not
(public member function)
Polymorphic character modification functions
invokes do_toupper
(public member function)
invokes do_tolower
(public member function)
invokes do_widen
(public member function)
invokes do_narrow
(public member function)
The following protected member functions can be overridden in a user-defined facet derived from ctype
do_is [virtual]
classifies a character or a character sequence
(virtual protected member function)
do_scan_id [virtual]
locates the first character in a sequence that conforms to given classification
(virtual protected member function)
do_scan_not [virtual]
locates the first character in a sequence that fails givne classification
(virtual protected member function)
do_toupper [virtual]
converts a character or characters to uppercase
(virtual protected member function)
do_tolower [virtual]
converts a character or characters to lowercase
(virtual protected member function)
do_widen [virtual]
converts a character or characters from char to charT
(virtual protected member function)
do_narrow [virtual]
converts a character or characters from charT to char
(virtual protected member function)

Inherited from std::ctype_base

Member types

Type Definition
mask unspecified bitmask type (enumeration, integer type, or bitset)

Member constants

space the value of mask identifying whitespace character classification
(public static member constant)
print the value of mask identifying printable character classification
(public static member constant)
cntrl the value of mask identifying control character classification
(public static member constant)
upper the value of mask identifying uppercase character classification
(public static member constant)
lower the value of mask identifying lowercase character classification
(public static member constant)
alpha the value of mask identifying alphabetic character classification
(public static member constant)
digit the value of mask identifying digit character classification
(public static member constant)
punct the value of mask identifying punctuation character classification
(public static member constant)
xdigit the value of mask identifying hexadecimal digit character classification
(public static member constant)
blank (C++11) the value of mask identifying blank character classification
(public static member constant)
alnum alpha | digit
(public static member constant)
graph alnum | punct
(public static member constant)

[edit] Example

The following example demonstrates modification of a ctype other than ctype<char> to tokenize of a CSV file

#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <sstream>
struct csv_whitespace : std::ctype<wchar_t> {
    bool do_is(mask m, char_type c) const
        if ((m & space) && c == L' ') return false; // space will NOT be classified as whitespace
        if ((m & space) && c == L',') return true; // comma will be classified as whitespace
        return ctype::do_is(m, c); // leave the rest to the parent class
int main()
    std::wstring in = L"Column 1,Column 2,Column 3\n123,456,789";
    std::wstring token;
    std::wcout << "default locale:\n";
    std::wistringstream s1(in);
    while (s1 >> token) {
        std::wcout << "  " << token << '\n';
    std::wcout << "locale with modified ctype:\n";
    std::wistringstream s2(in);
    s2.imbue(std::locale(s2.getloc(), new csv_whitespace()));
    while (s2 >> token) {
        std::wcout << "  " << token<< '\n';


default locale:
locale with modified ctype:
  Column 1
  Column 2
  Column 3

[edit] See also

specialization of std::ctype for type char
(class template specialization)
defines character classification categories
(class template)
creates a ctype facet for the named locale
(class template)