Prof. Soraia Raupp Musse

PUCRS - School of Technology - Graduate Course in Computer Science

Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Building 32, Room 609, CEP 90619-900

Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

Phone (office): +55 51 33538609

Fax: +55 51 33203621

[email protected]

Scientific Information:

2023 (Book Chapter)

Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil - GranDGamesBR 2020--2030. Editors: Santos, Rodrigo Pereira dos and Hounsell, Marcelo da Silva Springer-Verlag.

Chapter: Perceptual Analysis of Computer Graphics Characters in Digital Entertainment, Musse, Soraia Raupp and Molin, Greice Pinho Dal and Araujo, Victor Flavio de Andrade and Schaffer, Diogo Hartmann Muller and Brandelli, Angelo Costa. Interested? Click here


Emotion, Personality and Cultural Aspects in Crowds: Towards a Geometrical Mind 1st ed. 2019 Edition by Migon Favaretto, Rodolfo; Raupp Musse, Soraia; Brandelli Costa, Angelo Springer-Verlag.

Interested? Click here


Simulating Crowds in Egress Scenarios, 1st ed. 2017 Edition by Vinicius J. Cassol, Soraia R. Musse, Claudio R. Jung and Norman I Badler. Springer-Verlag.

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Crowd Simulation, 2nd ed. 2013 Edition by Daniel Thalmann and Soraia R. Musse. Springer-Verlag.

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Crowd Simulation, 1st ed. 20007 Edition by Daniel Thalmann and Soraia R. Musse. Springer-Verlag.

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Other Books (Chapters, Organization)


Chapter: Quantitative Approach to Comparing Real and Synthetic Crowds In: Simulating Heterogeneous Crowds with Interactive Behaviors. Editors: Nuria Pelechano, Jan Albert, Mubassir Kapadia, Norman Badler. ISBN: 9781498730365


V. Cassol ; MUSSE, S. R. . Simulando Multid�es: Aplica��es de Seguran�a e Entretenimento. In: I Simp�sio de Tecnologia de Informa��o do Noroeste do Estado do RS. (Org.). Simulando Multid�es: Aplica��es de Seguran�a e Entretenimento. : , 2010, v. 1.


Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2007. Daniel Thalmann and Soraia Raupp Musse.

Visual Computer - International Journal of Computer Graphics. 9. ed. Berlim: Springer, 2007. v. 1. 120p . THALMANN, Daniel (Org.) ; MUSSE, S. R. (Org.).


Course Notes on Populating Virtual Environment with Crowds Eurographics 2006 Daniel Thalmann, Carol O Sullivan; Pablo de Heras.


Handbook of Virtual Humans (Chapter of Groups and Crowd Simulation) Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann ISBC 0470-02316-3 John Willey 468 pages. 2005


OSORIO, Fernando Santos ; MUSSE, S. R. ; SANTOS, Cassia T dos ; HEINEN, Farlei; BRAUN, Adriana ; SILVA, Andre Tavares da . Ambientes Virtuais Interativos e Inteligentes: Fundamentos, Implementa��o e Aplica��es Pr�ticas. In: Aline Andrade; Ana Teresa Martins. (Org.). Anais do SBC 2004: XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computa��o. S�o Paulo: Tec Art Editora Ltda., 2004, v. 2, p. 239-288.


SOUZA, Ielbo M L�bo de ; FOLLMANN, Jos� Ivo ; ALTHOFF, Fernando ; FRAGA, Dinor� ; SOETHE, Jos� Renato ; DREHER, Martin N ; FONSECA, Carlos ; ROCHA, Leonel Severo ; RODRIGUES, Lu�s Henrique ; RONCHI, Luiz Henrique ; LOBATO, Anderson Orestes C ; VIEIRA, Renata ; MOMBACH, Jos� Carlos ; MUSSE, S. R. ; SCHMITZ, Pedro Ign�cio ; BAVARESCO, Rosa Maria S . Transdisciplinaridade, Simula��o e Modelagem. In: Ielbo M. L�bo de Souza; Jos� Ivo Follmann. (Org.). Transdisciplinaridade e Universidade uma proposta em constru��o. S�o Leopoldo: Editora Unisinos, 2003, v. 1, p. 99-103.