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Defined in header <utility>

template< class T >
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& move( T&& t );
(C++11 feature)

std::move obtains an rvalue reference to its argument.

It is typically used to implement move semantics when invoking functions. When std::move is used the compiler will look for a function overload that takes an rvalue reference. This means that the contents of t will be moved into the function, leaving t as an xvalue.


[edit] Parameters

t - the object to be moved

[edit] Return value

static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t)

[edit] Exceptions

noexcept specification:  

  (C++11 feature)

[edit] Example

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main()
    std::string str = "Hello";
    std::vector<std::string> v;
    // uses the push_back(const T&) overload, which means 
    // we'll incur the cost of copying str
    std::cout << "After copy, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
    // uses the rvalue reference push_back(T&&) overload, 
    // which means no strings will copied; instead, the contents
    // of str will be moved into the vector.  This is less
    // expensive, but also means str will now be empty.
    std::cout << "After move, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
    std::cout << "The contents of the vector are \"" << v[0]
                                         << "\", \"" << v[1] << "\"\n";


After copy, str is "Hello"
After move, str is ""
The contents of the vector are "Hello", "Hello"

[edit] Complexity


[edit] See also

forward (C++11)
forwards a function argument
(function template)
move_if_noexcept (C++11)
obtains an rvalue reference if the move constructor does not throw
(function template)