In the spirit of the Special Session of PROPOR 2008 - Applications of Portuguese Speech and Language Technologies - aiming at bringing together Academia and Industry and at creating a forum where more than written or spoken descriptions of research are available, PROPOR 2010 organizers and PROPOR Steering Committee decided to integrate a Demonstrations Session in the program.

After revision by a committee integrating Industry representatives from Portugal and Brazil, 22 out of the 25 submissions were accepted, covering a wide range of Speech and Natural Language Processing Applications. Most of the accepted demonstrations (19) are authored by researchers affiliated with Brazilian institutions, particularly Universidade de São Paulo and Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Other Brazilian demonstrations came from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Universidade Federal do Pará, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, and Universidade São Judas Tadeu. With at least one author from an institution in Portugal, we had 4 accepted demonstrations: 2 from Industry and the others from Universidade de Lisboa e Universidade de Évora. It is also worth mentioning the participation of Microsoft Language Development Center (Portugal), EMBRAPA Informática Agropecuária (Brazil), Conexum (Brazil), DFL (Brazil), IntextMining (Brazil), Universidade de Vigo (Spain), and INRIA/LIG (France) in the accepted demonstrations.

Educational FACILITA: helping users to understand textual content on the Web
Marcelo A. Amancio, Willian M. Watanabe, Arnaldo Candido Jr., Matheus de Oliveira, Thiago A. S. Pardo, Renata P. M. Fortes, Sandra M. Aluísio

A Web Interface for Browsing the CSTNews Corpus
Pedro Paulo Balage Filho, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo

A non-Visual Web-Browsing System using Speech Recognition for Brazilian Portuguese
Pedro Batista, Patrick Silva, Nelson Neto, Aldebaro Klautau

Hélia, Heloísa and Helena: new HTS systems in European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese and Galician
Daniela Braga, Pedro Silva, Manuel Ribeiro, Miguel Sales Dias, Francisco Campillo, Carmen García-Mateo

YourSpeech: Desktop speech data collection based on crowd sourcing in the Internet
António Calado, João Freitas, Pedro Silva, Bruno Reis, Daniela Braga, Miguel Sales Dias

TaXEm: a tool for aiding the evaluation of domain topic
Merley S. Conrado, Maria Fernanda Moura, Solange O. Rezende

EXATOLP - a tool for domain relevant terms extraction
Lucelene Lopes, Paulo Fernandes, Renata Vieira, Guilherme Fedrizzi, Daniel Martins

DiZer 2.0 – a Web Interface for Discourse Parsing
Erick Galani Maziero, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo

Residential Automation with Vocal Interaction in Brazilian Portuguese Language
Artur Oliveira, Carlos Pimentel, Eduardo Silva, Gabriel Araújo, Giovanny Lucero, Hendrik Macedo, Leonardo Matos, Miguel Soto, Ricardo Seixas, Thiago Mendonça, Thiago Reis

F-EXT-WS-2.0: A Web Service for Natural Language Processing
Eduardo N. Motta, Eraldo R. Fernandes, Ruy L. Milidiú

Portal de Corpus: Automatic Text-Topic Identification for Generating subcorpora
Fernando Muniz, Sandra Maria Aluísio

NorMan Extractor: Automatic term extraction from technical manuals
Fernando Muniz, Sandra Maria Aluísio

Contextual Retrieval of Documents in Integrated Data Providers
Renan Rodrigues de Oliveira, Cedric Luiz de Carvalho

e-Termos: a Computer-Supported Collaborative Work system for terminological management
Leandro Henrique Mendonça de Oliveira, Sandra Maria Aluísio, Gladis Maria de Barcellos Almeida

Coh-Metrix-Port: a readability assessment tool for texts in Brazilian Portuguese
Carolina Scarton, Sandra Maria Aluísio

SIMPLIFICA: an authoring system targeting simplified texts in Brazilian Portuguese
Carolina Scarton, Matheus de Oliveira, Arnaldo Candido Jr., Caroline Gasperin, Sandra Maria Aluísio

Using Apache UIMA annotators for Brazilian Portuguese
William Daniel Colen de Moura Silva, Marcelo Finger, Carlos Eduardo Dantas de Menezes

LX-Parser and LX-DepParser: Online Services for Constituency and Dependency Parsing
João Silva, Ruben Reis, Patricia Gonçalves, António Branco

CRT-ML - Coreference Resolution Tool through Machine Learning
Jefferson F. Silva, João Luís G. Rosa

Multi-lingual Ontology Matching: A Case Study for Portuguese, English, and French
Cássia Trojahn, Paulo Quaresma, Renata Vieira

COMUNICA - A Voice Question Answering System for Portuguese
Rodrigo Wilkens, Aline Villavicencio, Daniel Muller, Leandro Wives, Fabio da Silva, Stanley Loh

Domain Ontology Extractor from Wikipedia's Categories Structure in Portuguese Language
Clarissa Castellã Xavier, Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima

PROPOR 2010 hosted by PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul