PDF - Industrial Track and Fresh Ideas Workshop - Extended Deadlines

PDF - All Contributions


Paper Templates

Please use the templates provided by IEEE (in this link) for all papers submitted to ASYNC2016.

Regular Papers

Paper Submission

The submission will be processed via the Start Conference Manager System (For more information, visit the link https://www.softconf.com/g/async2016/ and our paper submission page.

What to submit

This is the place to present original scientific work that you have sufficiently well explored. The program committee will specifically evaluate the novelty and relevance of the presented contribution. Your claims should be clearly presented and supported by appropriate evaluations (experiments, simulations, proofs,...)


6-8 pages in IEEE format, 10pt, 2 column, single space, US Letter.

Note that ASYNC 2016 is running a blind review process for regular papers. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation. If you do include any author information on the title page, your submission will be automatically rejected. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as “this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ.” Also, do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair blind review process, and to consider all submissions equally.


Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a 20-minute presentation; additional 10 minutes will be allocated for discussion after the talk.


Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.

In addition they will appear in the proceedings distributed among participants on a memory stick.

Industrial Papers

Paper Submission

The submission will be processed via the Start Conference Manager System (For more information, visit the link https://www.softconf.com/g/async2016/ and our paper submission page.

What to submit

Here you can present a relevant innovative industrial development.

The topics are specifically targeted at industry and include:

Beyond the novelty of the approach, a criterion for acceptance will be the industrial impact of the presented idea, i.e. whether it is (or will be) used in a product or internal prototype. The abstract should clearly point out the key innovation along with the expected benefits, as well as the intended use case.


1-2 pages in IEEE format, 10pt, 2 column, single space, US Letter.

Submissions of industrial papers need not be blind – you can freely reveal your identity and affiliation.


10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion.


Accepted papers will be published (as is) in IEEE Xplore.

In addition they will appear in the proceedings distributed among participants on a memory stick.

Fresh Ideas

Paper Submission

The submission will be processed via the Start Conference Manager System (For more information, visit the link https://www.softconf.com/g/async2016/ and our paper submission page.

What to submit

This submission category is intended to provide a forum for discussing interesting or controversial novel ideas that you could not yet sufficiently explore and for which you may want some initial feedback from the forum. The most important criterion for paper acceptance will therefore be whether your idea is fundamentally new (or controversial) and not just incremental. Your abstract should describe the idea and its pros and cons in a way to allow judgment according to the above criterion.

To encourage full and free exchange of new ideas we impose a convention on all attendees of the workshop: You must agree to respect each author’s exclusive right to elaborate and publish his or her ideas (as documented in his or her abstract) at next year’s ASYNC or earlier.


1-2 pages in IEEE format, 10pt, 2 column, single space, US Letter.

Note that ASYNC 2016 is running a blind review process for fresh ideas. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation. If you do include any author information on the title page, your submission will be automatically rejected. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as “this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ.” Also, do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair blind review process, and to consider all submissions equally.


10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion.


In a binder that will be distributed among participants.

Note that there is no revision of submission before publication for Fresh Ideas papers.

Tools and Demos

Paper Submission

The submission will be processed via the Start Conference Manager System (For more information, visit the link https://www.softconf.com/g/async2016/ and our paper submission page.

What to submit

This is the place to present an interesting new tool, product showcase or experiment in an interactive setting. Criteria for acceptance will be the novelty of your approach/tool, the maturity of its implementation, its relevance, and whether the presentation you propose promises to be interesting for the audience. These issues should be addressed in the abstract.


1-2 pages in IEEE format, 10pt, 2 column, single space, US Letter.

Submissions to the tools and demos track need not be blind – you can freely reveal your identity and affiliation.


There will be some room allocated for an interactive presentation during a long break. This will allow for giving a demo and (optionally) explaining key concepts by other media like poster etc.


In a binder that will be distributed among participants.